There’s nothing more uncomfortable than removing your jewelry at the end of the day to find green, irritated patches of skin. Here at Heart 2 Heart we believe that the more you know about jewelry allergies, the better prepared you are to tackle and overcome any metalrelated skin issues. Below are three tips to get you started.

1. No Nickel

Have you ever removed a ring before bed to find a crusty residue on your finger? You may be allergic to nickel. Not to worry, more than 10% of the earth’s population is too. Nickel is durable and cheap which makes it an easy candidate for producing affordable jewelry. When nickel sits in water it creates salt, this means that the metal is eroding. When nickel-based jewelry sits on areas of the skin that get a lot of moisture (fingers, neck, wrists, etc.), the same happens. The eroding metal spreads onto the skin, rubbing, irritating and quickly giving a rash to the concentrated area. If skin sensitivity is your issue, try your best to avoid wearing nickel altogether.

2. Choose Palladium

It is common for alloys, metals consisting of two or more metallic elements, to contain brass, copper or nickel. All three of these metals go through a slow process of oxidation in which small particles rise to the surface after being exposed to oxygen. The most common sign of oxidation is green skin and irritation. Palladium is a white metal, similar to platinum, also used in alloys. Palladium is less dense than platinum, therefore easier to come by and more affordable. It’s an alternative to copper and nickel, just as lustrous and hypoallergenic, which minimizes the chances of an allergic reaction.

3. Keep It As Pure As Possible

When it comes to avoiding skin irritations, investing in fine jewelry is always a safe bet. The fewer number of metals added to an alloy, the higher the purity level. Metals like platinum, sterling and gold are considerably more pure and less likely to cause any skin problems. Some pieces of jewelry are coated in silver or gold but have a metal base of brass, copper or nickel — be sure to avoid any plated jewelry. Higher purity levels come with heavier price tags, but we’re positive that your skin will thank you.

We hope these tips help you in your search for allergyfree jewelry. Here at Heart 2 Heart we believe the perfect piece is possible, skin allergies included. Be sure to view our gallery or stop by our storefront to get a glimpse of our inventory.